Maker Education Lessons and Projects

I’m compiling all my maker education lessons and projects on this page as a resource for others on their maker journey!

Makey Makey Lessons

New! Download the printable Makey Makey Educator’s Guide (some lessons are here and all of them are also in Labz) Don’t forget to read the blog post about MakeyMakey Challenge that started it all! 🙂 Original lesson plans are still available here.


Invention Literacy

Crowdsourced sites for inventing

Sewing Circuits

Paper Circuit Tutorials (By Me)

Paper Circuit Tutorials

(Not written by me)

littleBits Lessons

(More in our #Bigmakerbook)



3D Printing Design

Lesson Ideas
  • Chapter 11 of BigMakerBook (Designing for Makey Makey, Designing for littleBits, DIY Phonograph Top, and Sphero Paddles.)
  • Science- Design and print plate tectonics and use our Arduino or littleBits to program the different wave forms from the Seismograph readings of particular earthquakes.
  • Business- Design a product for a business class, market it, and sell it at school “market”
  • Science- Human Body Redesign- How could we design a better functioning human body? Design a movable/functional body part
  • History – Design a functional hand cart or other product that would aide pioneers utilizing things only available from that time period
  • History/Science- Design a functioning catapult

Design Challenges for 3D Printing

  • Sphero Chariot Design Challenge
  • Jewelry Design Challenge
  • Game Figurines for Makey Makey Challenge Game Controller (Or even designing the game controller itself and creating it with the 3D printer.)

Sphero Lessons

(More in our #Bigmakerbook)

Looking for Year Long Programming Guide and Resource Page?