3 Ways to Makey Makey a Floor Piano

Oh my goodness! I can’t believe I forgot to share this guide!

I made this for my job over at Makey Makey and it’s a fun way to start thinking about how you are completing a circuit when creating a Makey Makey piano. So move that bunch of bananas, get out your HVAC tape, and let’s make some oversized pianos.


Head to the Labz Guide!

Behind the scenes info:

This piano guide took me a couple of weeks to build! I had to build it wrong three times to figure out the best and easiest way to replicate a full scale piano with sharps included. Plus, after I was completely done, I was in love with the movable piano. So I built another one on a yoga mat and now I can take it with me wherever I go! The yoga mat build is so easy and will only take you about 30 minutes to build!

I love that my maker friends around the world are starting to make their own pianos and even remixing it! Plus, Meredith over at Geeky Teach even made her own tutorial!

Bonus: This project was even featured on the home page over at Instructables!

So how will you build a floor piano? Share your ideas in the comments or send me links to your creations!