Makey Makey Certification Workshop at Mess Labs (1).png

Earlier this month I led a Makey Makey certification workshop for educators and makers in downtown Dallas at a hip new makerspace called Mess Labs.

It was a jam packed day of learning about Makey Makey, circuits, and invention literacy. For the better part of the morning, participants explored how Makey Makey worked, hacked poetry, and invented switches. (See inventive switches in ‘Gram below.)

Demo or Die Design Challenge

However, one of the most awesome things that came from this workshop, was seeing tables work and learn together and build their own table community. Because of this full day of learning together, in the afternoon when it came time for the design challenge where makers had to follow the design process to invent something helpful…. well…. you’ll have to see for yourself! Groups had less than an hour to identify a problem, ideate solutions, and create a prototype. I was WOWED by their work and I hope you are too!

Table Group 1: Inspired by IDEO design Process

Table Group 2: Inspired by communication boards for special needs students

Table Group 3: Inspired by “misuse” of fidget spinners

Table Group 5: To help a four year old

Table Group 6: Inspired by child safety!

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This group made a child safety alarm! #MakeyMakey #makered

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Table Group 7: Inspired to combine literature and Makey Makey

Excited about Makey Makey madness? Want to get your own students #beyondthebanana ? There are five more days left in the #evilmakeybook giveaway! Go to this blog post for details!

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